Dan Akivis


Dan is a Senior Associate at Rosecliff Ventures. He is responsible for sourcing deals, researching potential investments, and assisting portfolio companies.

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Notable Investments

Sacra: democratizing access to private market research.

Questions & Answers

In a couple sentences, how would you describe your path to becoming an investor?

My path to becoming an investor wasn't linear! I started in equity research, then moved to a family office as an LP, then recruited to first fund, and now I'm at Rosecliff.

What are the key factors you consider when evaluating a founding team?

I consider their prior experience in the sector.

What's your style and approach when it comes to working with founders post-investment? What are the characteristics of founders you've worked well with?

As many intro's as possible - almost obsessively so. Those that are open to working together enjoy this approach the most.

If I'm coming to pitch to you or your firm, what's the one piece of advice you'd give me?

Know your pitch, cold.

How would you describe your own personal mission and values, and how do they impact the way you invest?

I want to become as deeply engrained in fintech as possible and I expect to see the same passion from the founders that I chat with.

What do you like best about investing in NYC, and what’s your outlook on the future of NYC tech?

I really appreciate the collaboration of everyone in the ecosystem. The NYC tech scene is as strong as ever and I don't expect it to slow down anytime soon.