Dune Ventures

David Brillembourg Jr


I am the sole Partner at Dune Ventures, where I look to back companies that are pioneering the future of interactive content and technologies. Dune is an investor in some of the best teams in gaming: Medal TV, Oooh TV, Starform, First Light Games, Core Loop, Kanga. I am also an angel investor in Cardea and Incredible Dream Studios.

Previously, I dropped out of NYU's Stern School of Business to join Michael Novogratz's (Former CIO of Fortress) Galaxy Digital and its subsequently launched $325m gaming-focused venture fund, Galaxy Interactive. As the fund's first employee, I helped the team deploy over $100m in capital.

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Notable Investments

Medal.tv, Oooh.tv, End Game Interactive.

Questions & Answers

Origin Story: In a couple sentences, how would you describe your path to becoming an investor?

I dropped out of school to join an emerging venture firm. Helped build out the brand and do diligence on the first thirty investments. I partnered up with an incredible LP to launch my first early stage fund in 2020.

Investment Approach: What are the key factors you consider when evaluating a founding team?

Vision, Execution, Commitment

What's your style and approach when it comes to working with founders post-investment? What are the characteristics of founders you've worked well with?

I engage in total flexibility as an investor - I am a tool that the founder can use in whatever way he needs. I typically find myself talking to my founders on a consistent basis (on both work and non-work stuff), and am most helpful as a low ego consigliere. The founders I work well with are typically young and very ambitious and therefore need someone who is also young on their side.

If I'm coming to pitch to you or your firm, what's the one piece of advice you'd give me?

Remember, this is a partnership. I am pitching you as much as you're pitching me. Take the opportunity to make it a conversation and get to know each other more in-depth.

How would you describe your own personal mission and values, and how do they impact the way you invest?

My mission is to work with the best founders working on ambitious ideas in the interactive entertainment space. I am a high conviction investor and only work with a founder when I am fully committed to a decade long relationship.

What do you like best about investing in NYC, and what’s your outlook on the future of NYC tech?

Excited to see NYC grow as an investing hub.