Sherman Leung

Associate at AlleyCorp

Before investing, I was an early product manager at PatientPing, launching digital health products to improve care coordination between health systems. I was also a product manager at Mango Health and mobile engineer at Khan Academy. I studied Computer Science and Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University, where he conducted machine learning and social gamification research under Dr. Fei-Fei Li and Michael Bernstein.

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Notable Investments

MongoDB, Business Insider, Gilt Groupe, Zola (incubated)

Questions & Answers

In a couple sentences, how would you describe your path to becoming an investor?

Before investing, I was an early product manager at PatientPing, launching digital health products to improve care coordination between health systems. I was also a product manager at Mango Health and mobile engineer at Khan Academy. I studied Computer Science and Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University, where I conducted machine learning and social gamification research under Dr. Fei-Fei Li and Michael Bernstein.

What are the key factors you consider when evaluating a founding team?

Diversity of experiences and perspectives, and Team-Market fit.

What's your style and approach when it comes to working with founders post-investment? What are the characteristics of founders you've worked well with?

Collaborative and as fellow founders - all of us have helped launch or started our own companies before coming to the firm.

If I'm coming to pitch to you or your firm, what's the one piece of advice you'd give me?

Focus on what gives you and your team a differentiated and unique perspective on the market you're going after.

What do you like best about investing in NYC, and what’s your outlook on the future of NYC tech?

The diversity of experiences and industries of our city and the incredible talent it draws and fosters is what will continue to grow the NYC tech scene.